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“Useful & beautiful”

Cut launches a range of table-trays allowing a use on the ground, 100% French manufacture. Its rigorous geometry gives it a sleek and stackable silhouette, therefore easy to store.

This recyclable furniture is available in six colors: Sable, Noir, Denim, Terracotta, Corail and Sapin.

Review of counters

Born from the collaboration between the Lyon-based company Sloc – specializing in metalwork – and designer Yann Le Gal, the Cut brand offers small furniture and accessories in sheet steel. Within this range, the portable table, easily transportable thanks to its handle, is available in six colors: Sable, Noir, Denim, Terracotta, Corail et Sapin.

Made in France without any welding or rivets, the model is also stackable and fully recyclable.

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